Welcome to my page!

In this website you can access all my commission info, prices, status and more!







Please make sure to read my Terms of Service and check my queue before asking for a slot

┊Character piece (Style 1): +80$/€

Character piece with at least 50% of the subject shown, with a simple or abstract background.Background and/or character addition: +50% of base price

┊Scene piece (Style 2): +150$/€

Complete piece with at least 70% of the subject shown, with a complex scene or background, natural or artifical. Can be done at printing sizeCharacter addition: +50% of base price

┊simple drawing (style 3): +50$/€

Simple linework and shading. Perfect for icons and chibis!
Character addition: +50% of base price

┊Sticker packs

- Single sticker: 30$/€
- Sticker pack (5 uds.): 120€/$

Character reference sheet: +140$/€

Complete character sheet with front and back fullbody pose, additional bust for details, color swatch, eye shot, paw/maw angles + additional details chosen by customer+20% for additional shots

I can draw!

  • SFW art

  • Anthros

  • Ferals

  • Dragons

  • Any species

  • Landscapes

  • Character designs

  • Pokemon

I'm learning

  • Human anatomy

  • Feral anatomy

  • Custom design

  • Simple mechas

  • Perspective

  • City backgrounds

  • Comicsnew!

  • NSFWnew!

I can't draw

  • Complex machines/mechas

  • Exaggerated anatomy

  • Political content

  • Hard gore

  • Anything I'm not comfortable doing


Commissions of this type are strictly done through my AD account. They will be restricted to its own policies, including the default ones included on the TOS.I WILL NOT DRAW ANYTHING I FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH. If you want to know what a list of those things can be, click the button below. By clicking the button, you agree to being 18 years or older.My Twitter is Rechiigoo_AD

Want to ask for a slot? Here's how!

Thank you!

Next time there is a commission opening, you will receive an email as a notification

┊My Twitch channel

Come watch me on twitch!

Since May I haven't been able to stream, but as of 30th of August, I will be back to streaming art-related content on Twitch!An all-inclusive stream with relaxing music I enjoy, memes here and there, and more events to come, purr~ <3Thank you all for coming by! <3

Emotes <3

When you subscribe, you'll be able to use these custom emotes! By supporting the channel, you're helping it grow into a better-quality experience for everyone! <3

┊Youtube channel!

In my personal youtube channel I will upload videos tackling certain topics, commentary videos, speedpaints and more projects to come!

Support me! <3

Most of this support methods require the use of a PayPal account or a debit/credit card. Due to this, DO NOT USE THESE PLATFORMS IF YOU'RE UNDER 18.Also, these are completely optional! Do it only if you so want or desire. Your appreciation for my work is always more than enough <3


With Ko-fi I can receive small donations that will be sent to my PayPal without any fee being taken! <3

Buy me Throne gifts!


With Throne you can buy and/or pay for gifts if directly donating isn't your style and prefer more physical means!
You can suggest your own gifts and gather funds with other people for particularly big presents! <3

You can donate directly through my PayPal via paypal.me/artbyrechiigu!We recommend using ko-fi for small tipping and paypal for large donations

art by dialexus. Cyntia waving to the viewer with a demisexual flag

꧁About me!꧂


┊About the artist

I am a part-time profesional artist (and streamer) from Spain, currently studying Computer Engineering at university.Fantasy, alongside video games, card games, books, and animation, has always been my passion and illustration has helped me a long way to express my fascination with it. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but I picked up digital artwork in 2017/2018. I've been almost entirely self-taught and I've been pursuing art in the form of commissions since 2020.For the longest time I have been fascinated with drawing as a creative outlet. As a sheltered and often quiet kid, art has given me a way to communicate with others unlike any other method has ever done, and thanks to it I am making a living off of what I love and met the best people in my life <3The process has been long, arduous and even exhausting. I still have a lot to learn, but I am happy to be growing and flourishing thanks to the art/furry/dragon community.

About Cyntia

This is my main character, Cyntia, the fluffy dragon.
Cyntia is a very shy fella at many times. She can be sweet and approachable when the chance comes to her. She's pretty laid back and soft, despite doing stuff all the time.
She likes being productive and feeling accomplished at the end of the day. She wouldn't mind a break, however.
She loves to collect small stuff she finds pretty at her treehouse. You can find things like little pieces of gold to overgrown wooden figurines abandoned in a nearby forest. Even little plants she takes care of.
She loves painting, singing, and reading books. It lets her be alone with herself and her thoughts, which is therapeutic to her. She is, however, very emotional when given the right circumstances.
With the right group of friends, she can become extremely chaotic, and thereby should be avoided at all costs, since she has transcended mortality temporarily and become an unstoppable force (she'll be asleep in a couple of minutes)

Fanart uwu <3

「 Tools of the trade 」

  • Graphic Tablet Wacom Intuos Pro S

  • Clip Studio Paint EX 2.0

  • Custom mechanical keyboard 60%

Terms of Service

1. General terms

  • If visual references can be provided, they are highly recommended. If any information must be provided through text, it must be concise and clear, since English is not my native language.

  • Any of my social media is free to contact regarding a commission inquiry.

  • Character sheet MUST be visually clear, with base colors clearly illustrated (in a color palette or clear body visuals).

  • If many not previously mentioned details come up during the late stages of the commission, an extra fee will be required.

2. Before ordering

  • Check commission prices before ordering to get an idea of how much the piece in question will cost. Not obligatory, but highly recommended to speed up the ordering/booking process.

  • Have a clear idea of what you want to order, and changing ideas completely after payment is not allowed.

  • If commissions are open under a limited slot format, consult if an aforementioned slot is available

  • A commission idea may be rejected for any topic stipulated on my conditions list or for any other reason.

  • Payment plans can be negotiated between artist and client, depending on the price of their order. In normal situations, no payment plan will be necessary nor will be offered.

  • Check that your purchase falls under all the terms mentioned.

3. Payment

  • Payment shall be provided upfront via invoice. Therefore, you MUST send me the email to which your PayPal account is attached.

  • I accept PayPal USD or EUR only. No other form of payment is permitted, including cryptocurrency.

  • All commission payments shall be performed under GOODS AND SERVICES.

  • Slots may be booked, but no commission will be started, in process of, or be completed before full payment.

  • Paypal charges a 5,4% + 0.30¢ fee if all payments are made through Goods and Services. If any tips are included, it is highly recommended to include them with the commission's payment, or through Friends and Family.

4. Process and turnaround

  • Turnaround may be subject to rapid changes depending on the artist's personal situation. Any delays will be addressed privately to the customer, but clients should look into a usual two-week turnaround time.

  • Changes can only be done in the sketch phase. Any other changes will not be taken into account.

  • By default, you will receive two WIPs: the early/cleaned sketch and the almost finished piece. If more WIPs are needed, please request them when applying for a slot.

  • All final artworks will have a watermark. Non-watermarked versions of commissioned artwork will not be provided

  • If working with deadlines, these time limits have to be at least a month long. Any tighter deadline than that won't be accepted.

5. Regarding refunds / chargebacks

  • Once the piece is completed, no changes will be made nor refunds will be issued. This includes post-commission chargebacks.

  • Full refunds will only be made if I, the artist, can not proceed with the order

  • Once a commission piece is begun, no refund can be issued after the sketch phase. If a refund is requested by the client, 50% of the price will be refunded.

  • If a commission is refunded, I reserve the right to use the sketched piece as a future YCH.

6. Permissions and use

  • As the artist, I reserve the right to use your commission as portfolio work for advertisement, website layout, or promotional material.

  • If a commission needs to NOT be published after it is completed for any pertaining reason, it must be addressed before payment.

  • You may never use a commission for anything other than personal use. Unless specified in the transaction, you may not use a commission for merchandising products. If a commission is used as a promotional product, it must be talked about before the purchase.

  • You must NOT claim the commission piece as your own.

  • Include proper credit when reposting the commission to other social media platforms. Take a look at my contact section to know my social media.

  • DO NOT feed the artwork to ANY AI software nor use it as a NFT token. Breaking this rule will get you in a blacklist.

7. Customer behaviour / Blacklist

  • If a client behaves inappropriately with the artist throughout the process of the commission, the money will be refunded and the customer will be added to a blacklist, where they lose any rights given by the terms of service until further notice.

  • If the situation warrants it, a beware post will be made on a problematic customer and will be permanently blacklisted from my commissions.

  • When talking to any artist, keep in mind commissions will be mostly kept in a formal setting. If you want to have chat not relating to art or commissions, it may be done outside work hours or after the commission has been fully completed.

8. Miscellaneous

  • Any commission type not included in the price list can have a flexible price, according to this piece's complexity.

  • Feel free to ask any questions and concerns! I will attend to you as soon as possible, even if this means a slight delay.

  • My commission queue does not have a particular order. If I work on another piece before yours, I am making sure your commission piece turns out as best as possible.

I am OK doing this:

  • Anthros

  • Dragons

  • BDSM and related

  • Vore

  • Pokemon/Digimon

  • Other fanart

I will not draw this:

  • Offensive content of any kind

  • C*b (child-like furries), ABDL

  • scat, watersports

  • Realisitc ferals (eg. wolves, foxes, cats, etc.)

  • Gore of any kind

  • Anything I may be uncomfortable with.

Ask about kinks/themes involved before requesting!

Términos de servicio

1. Términos generales

  • Si se pueden proporcionar referencias visuales, son altamente recomendadas. Si hay alguna información que debe ser dada por texto, debe ser conciso y claro.

  • Cualquier red social está disponible para preguntar por una posible comisión.

  • La referencia del personaje DEBE ser visualmente clara, con colores base ilustrados (en forma de una paleta de colores o por medio de colores visualmente claros en el cuerpo).

  • Si surgen detalles no mecionados previamente durante las últimas fases de la comisión, un extra será cobrado por el trabajo extra.

2. Antes de pedir

  • Revisa los precios de las comisiones para tener una idea de cuanto costará el dibujo cuestión. No es obligatorio, pero muy recomendado si se quiere acelerar el proceso de compra/reserva.

  • Ten una idea clara de lo que vas a pedir, cambiar de idea completamente después del pago de un pedido está completamente prohibido.

  • Si las comisiones están abiertas bajo el formato de slots (huecos), consulta si se puede ocupar uno de estos.

  • La idea de una comisión puede ser rechazada por algún tópico estipulado en mi lista de condiciones o por alguna otra razón.

  • Planes de pago pueden ser negociados entre artista y cliente, dependiendo en el precio de su pedido. En situaciones normales, un plan de pago no será necesario ni ofrecido.

  • Revisa si tu compra cae en los términos mencionados.

3. Método de pago

  • El pago debe ser hecho por adelantado a través de PayPal por factura o a través de PayPal.me. Por ende, es OBLIGATORIO que me mandes el email para poder hacer la factura mencionada con éxito

  • Acepto PayPal USD o EUR únicamente. Ninguna otra forma de pago está permitida, incluyendo criptomoneda.

  • Todos los pagos deben ser hechos bajo el modo BIENES Y SERVICIOS.

  • Los huecos pueden ser reservados, pero ninguna comisión va a ser empezada, progresada o terminada antes de darse el pago completo.

  • PayPal cobra 5,4% + 0.30¢ de tarifa si todos los pagos están hechos por bienes y servicios. Si se incluye alguna propina, se recomienda incluirla con el pago de la comisión, o mandarla por separado a través de Amigos y Familia.

4. Proceso y tiempo de entrega

  • El tiempo de entrega está sujeto a cambios rápidos, dependiendo de la situación personal del artista. Cualquier retraso será notificado al cliente por privado, pero los clientes deben usualmente mirar a alrededor de dos semanas para tiempo de entrega

  • Los cambios principales sólo se harán en la fase del boceto. Cambios mayores después de esta fase no se tomarán en cuenta.

  • Por defecto se recibirán 2 WIPs: El boceto (limpio o no) y el dibujo prácticamente terminado. Si se necesitan más WIPs, por favor estipúlalo a la hora de pedir un hueco.

  • Todos los dibujos terminados tendrán una marca de agua. No se proveerán versiones del dibujo sin marca de agua.

  • Si se trabaja con tiempos límite, estos deben ser de mínimo un mes. Cualquier fecha límite menor a ese intervalo no será aceptada.

5. Respecto a devoluciones

  • Una vez el dibujo esté completado, no se harán cambios ni se darán reembolsos. Esto incluye contracargos post-comisión.

  • Reembolsos completos serán hechos en caso de que yo, la artista, no puedo completar el encargo.

  • Una vez una comisión es empezada, no se ofrecerá ningún reembolso después de la fase del bocetado. Si se pide un reembolso durante la fase del esbozo, se devolverá el 50% del pago al cliente.

  • Si una comisión es reembolsada, me reservo el derecho de utilizar el boceto como futuro YCH.

6. Permisos y uso

  • Como el artista, me reservo el derecho a utilizar la comisión como trabajo de portafolio para anuncios, para diseño de página o para material promocional.

  • Si una comisión NO DEBE ser publicada por cualquier razón, necesita ser notificado antes del pago.

  • No vas a usar una comisión para nada más allá de uso personal. A menos de que haya sido espicificado durante la transacción, no usarás la comisión para productos de merchandising. Si una comisión es utilizada como material promocional, debe ser hablado antes de hacer la compra.

  • NO puedes reclamar total autoría sobre la pieza comisionada.

  • Incluye el crédito apropiado cuando resubas el dibujo a otras plataformas. Mira mi sección de contacto para conocer mis redes sociales.

  • NO utilices la obra como material para software de IA ni como un token NFT. Romper esta norma te pondrá en una lista negra.

7. Comportamiento del cliente / Blacklist

  • Si un cliente se comporta inapropiadamente durante el proceso de una comisión, el dinero será reembolsado y el cliente será añadido a una blacklist, donde perderán derechos incluidos en los términos de servicios hasta nuevo aviso.

  • Si la situación lo amerita, el usuario problemático recibirá un beware y será permanentemente incluido en la blacklist y no podrá pedirme comisiones.

  • Cuando hables con cualquier artista, ten en cuenta que las comisiones se mantendrán, en su mayoría, en un ámbito formal. Si quieres hablar con el artista sobre algo no relacionado al arte o a la comisión, podrá ser hecho después del horario laboral o después de que el pedido haya sido completado.

8. Miscellaneous

  • Cualquier tipo de comisión fuera de la tabla de precios tendrá un precio flexible, acorde a la complejidad de la pieza.

  • ¡No dude en hacer cualquier pregunta si tiene alguna duda o preocupación! Te atenderé lo más rápido posible, aún si eso significa un pequeño retraso.

  • Mi cola de comisiones no tiene un orden concreto. Si trabajo en una comisión antes que la tuya, estoy asegurándome de que tu pedido tiene la mayor calidad posible.

Estoy bien haciendo esto:

  • Anthros

  • Dragones

  • BDSM y derivados

  • Vore

  • Pokemon/Digimon

  • Otros fanarts

No voy a dibujar esto:

  • Contenido ofensivo de cualquier tipo

  • C*b (furries parecidos a niños), ABDL

  • scat, watersports

  • ferales realistas (eg. wolves, foxes, cats, etc.)

  • Gore de cualquier tipo

  • Cualquier cosa que me incomode.

Pregunta sobre kinks/temas antes de pedir una comisión!